UNILAG Innovation and Technology Management Office Holds Seminar

UNILAG Innovation and Technology Management Office Holds webinar, invites members of the university Community.

UNILAG Innovation and Technology Management Office Holds Seminar
UNILAG Innovation and Technology Management Office Holds Seminar

UNILAG Innovation and Technology Management Office Holds webinar, invites members of the university Community.

The Innovation and Technology Management Office (ITMO), University of Lagos, invites members of the university Community to its webinar on Managing Intellectual Property: Patent Search and Patent Drafting. Details of the webinar, which is a part of the ITMO’s innovateUNILAG Webinar Series, are as follows:

Date:  Thursday 5th October, 2023.

Time:  11:00 am – 12:30 pm.

Venue:  Zoom: http://bit.ly/3PyczBt.

At the webinar, the following are subjects that will be discussed:

I. THE BASICS OF PATENT – SHUKURAT AMOSA (Intellectual Property Consultant & Educator)

Protecting your invention.

Making money from your patent.

Conducting prior art searches.

Determining the patentability of your invention


Drafting a patent that meets the legal requirements.

How to prepare Patent Specifications.

Writing Patent Claims that provide broad protection for your IP.

Mistakes that can result in the rejection of your patent application.

The Facilitators are renowned persons within the IP field, and the webinar promises to be very expository as it will take a very practical approach to delivering the learning.

MySchoolNews reporting.