Acting CMD Director-General Advocates for Skills Acquisition in University Curriculum

She argued that the existing educational approach, which heavily focuses on theoretical knowledge, fails to adequately prepare graduates for practical applications in the workforce.

Acting CMD Director-General Advocates for Skills Acquisition in University Curriculum

Modinat Olusoji, acting director-general of the Centre for Management Development (CMD), has called for universities across Nigeria to integrate skills acquisition programs into their curricula. 

In a recent interview, Olusoji emphasized the need for educational institutions to update their curricula to align with current industry demands and societal changes. She argued that the existing educational approach, which heavily focuses on theoretical knowledge, fails to adequately prepare graduates for practical applications in the workforce.

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“The curriculum we used five or ten years ago is no longer sufficient for today's needs. What students learn in university should directly correlate with practical skills required in their careers,” Olusoji stated. 

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She highlighted that incorporating skills development into academic programs would provide graduates with practical competencies, enhancing their employability and ability to contribute effectively to the economy. Olusoji stressed that this shift is essential for preparing students for the evolving job market and ensuring that their education remains relevant and beneficial.