Charkin Maritime Academy postpones Post UTME screening for 2023/2024 session
Charkin Maritime Academy has postponed her Post UTME screening for the 2023/2024 academic session

Charkin Maritime Academy (CMA), Port Harcourt wishes to announce that the 2023/2024 Post - UTME screening exercise scheduled to hold on the 4th and 5th October 2023 has been postponed to the 11th and 12th October, 2023, Myschoolnews report.
This information is for all candidates who chose Charkin Maritime Academy as their first choice and all those willing to change their institution and make Charkin Maritime Academy their first choice. Note that any candidate who scored less than 100 marks would not be considered for admission into any of the programmes.
Visit our website at:
or call: 08036667907; 07051870990 for additional information.
Dr. Nnamdi Amadi