University of Ibadan Demonstrates Commitment to Climate Change Initiatives

The University of Ibadan (UI) is making significant efforts towards becoming climate-change compliant, according to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration, Professor Peter Olamakinde Olapegba, FNPA.

University of Ibadan Demonstrates Commitment to Climate Change Initiatives

The University of Ibadan (UI) is making significant efforts towards becoming climate-change compliant, according to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration, Professor Peter Olamakinde Olapegba, FNPA. He highlighted these efforts during a prize presentation ceremony for winners of the Climate Risk Research Challenge-Nigeria 2023, revealing UI's commitment to environmental sustainability and climate action.

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Speaking on behalf of Vice-Chancellor Professor Kayode O. Adebowale at the event organized by Sustainable Solutions for Greener Growth, Professor Olapegba emphasized UI's proactive measures in afforestation and environmental stewardship. "The University has embarked on deliberate afforestation efforts and signed several Memoranda of Understanding on Climate Change," he stated, pointing out these initiatives as evidence of UI's dedication to mitigating climate challenges.

He recalled the university's recent 75th anniversary celebrations, which included a large-scale tree planting exercise aimed at establishing a Tree Park with over a thousand native trees. This initiative not only commemorated UI's milestone but also contributed to enhancing the campus environment and promoting biodiversity.

Professor Olapegba announced plans to adopt a comprehensive Climate-Change policy to address environmental issues within the university community effectively. He commended the organizers of the Climate Risk Research Challenge for their commitment and resources in fostering awareness and solutions to global environmental challenges among students.

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Highlighting UI's success in the competition, Professor Olapegba praised UI teams for their outstanding performance, securing the first and third positions in the contest, with the University of Ilorin clinching the second position. He attributed these achievements to the leadership qualities inherent in UI students and emphasized the importance of such competitions in equipping students to tackle global issues beyond their local communities.