Confusion Arises Over NYSC Posting Due to Errors in Educational Qualification

Confusion Arises Over NYSC Posting Due to Errors in Educational Qualification

A prospective National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member has raised concerns after encountering discrepancies in their posting status, stemming from a misunderstanding in their educational qualifications. The individual, who preferred to remain anonymous, shared their predicament via social media, highlighting that their NYSC portal indicated part-time enrollment during registration, despite completing full-time studies for their Higher National Diploma (HND).

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They clarified having pursued part-time studies only during their National Diploma (ND) program.

"I did full-time for my HND, but my NYSC portal shows part-time because of my ND. However, a JAMB officer assured me previously that this would not affect my NYSC service," the concerned individual tweeted.

In response to the issue, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) clarified the situation, noting that the NYSC retroactive letter of admission considers the educational status at the time of ND completion, not the subsequent HND qualification.

"Your ND certificate, not HND, was used to process your retroactive letter of admission," JAMB replied in a statement addressing the individual's query.

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The clarification from JAMB reveals the procedural aspects involved in NYSC postings, which are contingent upon the educational credentials provided during the initial registration process. While the individual completed full-time studies for their HND, the initial classification under ND has influenced their current NYSC registration status.