Parent-Teacher Association Commends NECO for Successful Common Entrance Exam Conduct

Kenneth Chiedu, a parent whose daughter participated in the exam at Sonmori Comprehensive High School Ifako Ijaiye, described the process as well-organized. He noted that NECO officials were present early, the examination started on time at 9:00 a.m., and finished at 3:00 p.m., with parents maintaining their distance.

Parent-Teacher Association Commends NECO for Successful Common Entrance Exam Conduct

The National Parent-Teacher Association of Nigeria (NAPTAN) has praised the National Examination Council (NECO) for the successful administration of the 2024 National Common Entrance Examination (NCEE). Deputy National President of NAPTAN, Adeolu Ogunbanjo, described the exercise as a positive development for the education sector.

Ogunbanjo expressed satisfaction with NECO's adherence to their commitments, noting the high number of candidates in Lagos despite the Federal Government's directive in 2023 that children under 10 would no longer be allowed to sit for the NCEE for admission into Federal Government Colleges and Unity Schools.

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"I am impressed with the general conduct of this year’s NCEE, particularly because NECO adhered to their commitments, which is highly commendable," Ogunbanjo stated. "Despite the age limit, we still had a high number of candidates here in Lagos, indicating that we can achieve success by supporting the government’s directives."

Kenneth Chiedu, a parent whose daughter participated in the exam at Sonmori Comprehensive High School Ifako Ijaiye, described the process as well-organized. He noted that NECO officials were present early, the examination started on time at 9:00 a.m., and finished at 3:00 p.m., with parents maintaining their distance.

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Similarly, Isaac Oyenegecha, another parent, observed that the age 10 requirement was strictly enforced by NECO officials, with students being checked into the hall with printouts containing their details, including age. He reported no disqualifications at Festac Grammar School, indicating compliance with the age requirements. Some students found the verbal and quantitative papers challenging but reported that Mathematics and English were more manageable.