Governor Otti Secures Accreditation for 19 Programs at Abia State University, Uturu

Abia State Governor, Alex Otti, has successfully secured the accreditation of 19 academic programs for Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU).

Governor Otti Secures Accreditation for 19 Programs at Abia State University, Uturu

Abia State Governor, Alex Otti, has successfully secured the accreditation of 19 academic programs for Abia State University, Uturu (ABSU). This significant achievement was announced on Wednesday following a State Executive Council Meeting chaired by the governor himself.


Prince Okey Kanu, the State Commissioner for Information and Culture, briefed journalists on the development. He highlighted the governor's commitment to enhancing the quality of education in the state, noting that the accreditation would greatly benefit the students and the academic community at ABSU.

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"This accreditation marks a major milestone for Abia State University, ensuring that our students receive education that meets national and international standards. Governor Otti has been dedicated to improving the state's educational infrastructure, and this is a testament to his efforts," Kanu stated.


The accreditation process, which involves rigorous evaluation by the National Universities Commission (NUC), signifies that the 19 programs meet the required standards for quality education. This development is expected to boost the university's reputation and provide students with greater opportunities for academic and professional advancement.

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In addition to the accreditation news, the Commissioner also shared updates on other initiatives by the governor aimed at supporting education and youth development in the state. This includes the approval of school fees for Abia students studying in India and those in Nigerian Law Schools, as well as support for a new football academy to be established by international footballer Frank Onyeka.