IADS-UNILAG Invites Submissions for Book of Readings

The Book of Readings promises to be a rich tapestry of voices, perspectives, and visions—an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex identity of Lagos.

IADS-UNILAG Invites Submissions for Book of Readings

The Institute of African and Diaspora Studies (IADS) at the University of Lagos has issued an open call for submissions from academics, researchers, and the general public interested in exploring the multifaceted identity of Lagos. The goal is to compile a comprehensive Book of Readings titled, "Who is Lagos? What is Lagos?" which would be presented at the upcoming Roundtable on Land and Power: Interrogating Material and Ideological Contestations for Ownership of Lagos, scheduled for August.

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According to IADS-UNILAG, "Lagos has played a pivotal role in shaping Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. Recent research engagements have revealed Lagos as a multicultural and cosmopolitan urban center—a melting pot of diverse cultures, histories, and social identities. As the city continues to expand on all fronts, questions of ownership, belonging, and indigenous knowledge systems come to the forefront."

They also noted that the phrase "Lagos Is A No Man’s Land" has persisted for decades, sparking heated socio-political discussions at both the city and national levels. Recognizing the significance of these debates, the IADS-UNILAG aimed to document the various trajectories, imaginations, and interpretations of Lagos. The Book of Readings seeked to capture the essence of the city through original opinion pieces, poetry, photography, and other artistic expressions. Contributors are encouraged to engage critically with questions of ownership, identity, and the evolving social fabric of Lagos.

"Articles should not exceed 1000 words and can explore any aspect of Lagos—its past, present, or future," they noted.

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"Artworks, including photography, paintings, or digital art, should be submitted as a maximum of two pictures per entry."

The deadline for submission of drafts for intending contributors is June 30th, to the email address in the school's website.

The Book of Readings promises to be a rich tapestry of voices, perspectives, and visions—an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the complex identity of Lagos. Whether you're an academic, an artist, or a concerned citizen, your contribution can shape the narrative of this vibrant city."