MLSCN Conducts Accreditation Visit to David Umahi University Teaching Hospital

David Umahi Federal University Teaching Hospital in Uburu hosts MLSCN for a facility assessment in preparation for internship program accreditation.

MLSCN Conducts Accreditation Visit to David Umahi University Teaching Hospital

The Management of David Umahi Federal University Teaching Hospital (DUFUTH), Uburu, welcomed representatives from the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN) on Tuesday. The primary objective of the visit was to evaluate the facilities in the hospital's Medical Laboratories Services Department in anticipation of accreditation by the Council for the commencement of internship programs in the department.

The MLSCN, a statutory regulatory agency for medical laboratory services in Nigeria, is dedicated to upholding high standards in providing medical laboratory services to the public. The accreditation team conducted thorough inspections of the Clinical Microbiology Research Laboratory, Haematology Research Laboratory, Blood Bank, and Sample Collection Centre. The assessment included monitoring lab equipment adherence to operational standards, verifying qualifications and practice licenses, evaluating accommodation arrangements for interns, and reviewing staff working conditions.

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Following the tour, Chief Medical Director Professor Uzoma Agwu expressed her gratitude to the council representatives and committed to continuous improvements in all aspects of the hospital’s operations. She emphasized the importance of engaging more specialists to leverage their expertise in installing and activating advanced equipment and training the staff.

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Addressing the critical issue of water supply, Professor Agwu assured that the management is actively working on resolving it, having secured a water source and currently focusing on lifting water tanks. Additionally, she highlighted that the hospital has implemented solar power solutions to mitigate power supply issues, promising that power supply challenges would soon be resolved.

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Professor Tosan Erhabor, the team leader, emphasized the importance of renewing licenses, installing high-tech equipment not yet in use, and prioritizing staff welfare and comfort to ensure optimal productivity. The team, received by the C-MAC, Dr. Felix Ehidiamhen, also held a familiarization meeting with the laboratory department to identify areas needing management's attention.

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