NIMELSSA-UNEC Health Week Promotes Unity and Personal Growth

UNN hosts a week-long event featuring activities such as AMR Awareness Day, Cultural Day, Sports and Games, Career Seminar, Branding Discussions, and a Picnic, aiming to foster community spirit and individual development.

NIMELSSA-UNEC Health Week Promotes Unity and Personal Growth

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the NIMELSSA-UNEC Health week at the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN). With an exciting lineup of activities, the university aims to foster community spirit and personal development among its students and staff.

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Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Day: Kicked off the week on Monday, 26th February, with informative sessions highlighting the importance of combating antimicrobial resistance.

Cultural Day: On Tuesday, 27th February, the campus was adorned with diverse cultural displays, showcasing the rich heritage of the university community.

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NIMELSSA Sports and Games Day: Wednesday, 28th February, witnessed a burst of energy as students engaged in various sports and games, promoting physical fitness and friendly competition.

Career Day Seminar: Thursday, 29th February, offered invaluable insights and guidance to students as they explored various career paths and opportunities.

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Let's Talk Branding: Friday, 1st March, provided a platform for discussions on personal and professional branding, empowering participants to craft their unique identities.

NIMELSSA-UNEC Picnic: Saturday, 2nd March, concluded the week with a delightful picnic, fostering camaraderie and relaxation among attendees.

It's a celebration of diversity, knowledge, and unity at UNN. Join us as we continue to embrace learning, growth, and community engagement. Don’t miss out on the remaining activities of this enriching week!