Ojukwu University Advances Spiritual Initiatives with Christian Interdenominational Service

COOU's Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Omenugha receives comprehensive interdenominational services report, enhancing the university's spiritual foundation.

Ojukwu University Advances Spiritual Initiatives with Christian Interdenominational Service
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Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University's commitment to fostering a robust spiritual environment within its community reached a significant milestone as the University Committee on Interdenominational Services presented its comprehensive report to the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Kate Azuka Omenugha, fnipr, on Wednesday, the 15th of May, 2024.

The journey towards this achievement began on the 23rd of January, 2024, when Prof. Omenugha inaugurated the committee, entrusting them with the crucial task of formulating guidelines for interdenominational services and nurturing the religious ethos on campus.

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Under the astute leadership of Chairman Rev. Fr. Prof. Eugene Anowai, the committee meticulously crafted a thorough report and a manual dubbed "Adveniat Regime Tuum (Thy Kingdom Come)", aligning with their mandate to fortify the spiritual fabric of the university.

In her response to the committee's presentation, Prof. Omenugha underscored the paramount importance of grounding the university's foundation in faith, asserting that without this anchoring, academic pursuits risk being in vain. She lauded the anticipated benefits of the manual, envisioning a deeper spiritual engagement for the entire university community.

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The Ag. Vice Chancellor expressed her profound appreciation for the committee's unwavering dedication, commitment, and promptness in fulfilling their assigned task, recognizing their indispensable contribution to the university's ongoing quest for spiritual enrichment.

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This momentous occasion marks a significant stride in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University's journey towards holistic development, underscoring its steadfast commitment to nurturing not only academic excellence but also spiritual growth among its students, faculty, and staff.

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