NYSC Director General Strengthens Collaboration with INEC Chairman During Official Visit

The visit was aimed at reinforcing the collaborative efforts between the NYSC and INEC, two critical agencies involved in ensuring the smooth conduct of elections in Nigeria.

NYSC Director General Strengthens Collaboration with INEC Chairman During Official Visit

On June 27, the Director General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Brigadier General YD Ahmed, paid a courtesy visit to Professor Mahmood Yakubu, Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), at the INEC Headquarters in Abuja.

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The visit was aimed at reinforcing the collaborative efforts between the NYSC and INEC, two critical agencies involved in ensuring the smooth conduct of elections in Nigeria. During the meeting, both leaders discussed strategies to enhance the synergy between their respective organizations, particularly in the areas of voter education, mobilization, and logistical support during electoral processes.

The importance of leveraging the NYSC's extensive network and manpower across the country to support INEC's activities, especially in voter registration exercises, election administration, and post-election engagements, was noted.

The NYSC was commended for its longstanding partnership with INEC and acknowledged the corps members' contributions to electoral activities over the years. 

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The meeting concluded with both leaders expressing optimism about the strengthened collaboration between the NYSC and INEC, which they believe will further enhance the integrity and effectiveness of electoral processes across the country.