Graduate Faces Dilemma Over NYSC Call-Up Without Original Certificate

The individual, who graduated in 2019, received his Call-Up letter recently but faces obstacles due to the unavailability of his original certificate, a mandatory requirement for camp registration.

Graduate Faces Dilemma Over NYSC Call-Up Without Original Certificate

A recent graduate, who deferred participation in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) due to personal reasons, now finds himself in a dilemma as he prepares to finally embark on the mandatory service. The individual, who graduated in 2019, received his Call-Up letter recently but faces obstacles due to the unavailability of his original certificate, a mandatory requirement for camp registration.

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The graduate, who preferred to remain anonymous, shared his predicament: "I graduated back in 2019 and didn’t go for NYSC at the time. Now that I'm ready, I applied and got my Call-Up letter last night. However, I haven’t collected my Original certificate, which is part of the requirements at the Camp. Going to school for it at this time seems practically impossible due to the distance."

Commentators on social media have offered various suggestions to help him. "You will need your original certificate for in-camp registration. You would have been able to use your statement of result, but that is only valid for 2 years after the issuance. So go get your certificate before reporting to camp," advised one respondent.

Others suggested alternatives: "Go with your original statement of results, not photocopy," while another noted, "I registered yesterday, what they are asking for is a statement of result."

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Despite the recommendations, the graduate expressed concerns about the logistical challenges involved in obtaining the original certificate, especially considering the time constraints before reporting to the NYSC camp.