Rivers CP Urges St. Gregory’s Graduates to Shun Cultism and Drugs

He urged the students to safeguard their futures by making prudent choices and upholding values of integrity, discipline, and excellence.

Rivers CP Urges St. Gregory’s Graduates to Shun Cultism and Drugs

The 2024 graduation ceremony at St. Gregory’s College in Ikoyi, Lagos, featured a poignant address from Tunji Disu, Rivers State Commissioner of Police and an alumnus of the school. Speaking in the school’s historic auditorium, Disu commended the institution for its pivotal role in shaping his personal and professional journey.

During his speech, Disu candidly addressed the graduating class about the perils of cultism and drug abuse, emphasizing his own steadfast refusal to engage in such activities during his university years. He urged the students to safeguard their futures by making prudent choices and upholding values of integrity, discipline, and excellence.

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St. Gregory’s College, known for its Catholic ethos and boarding facilities, continues to nurture young minds while imparting essential life lessons beyond academics.

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