Migration to Computer Based Test Not Immediate Due to Exam Complexity -NECO Registrar

He noted that while other examination bodies like JAMB find it easier to embrace CBT due to fewer subject areas, NECO requires careful consideration of the exam's intricacies.

Migration to Computer Based Test Not Immediate Due to Exam Complexity -NECO Registrar

The Registrar of the National Examinations Council (NECO), Prof. Ibrahim Wushishi, stated that the complexity of NECO exams may hinder an immediate migration from paper to Computer Based Test (CBT).

Speaking during an interactive session with journalists in Abuja, Wushishi highlighted that NECO conducts a large number of examinations covering 76 different subjects and more than 150 papers annually, examining close to 1.5 million candidates.

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He noted that while other examination bodies like JAMB find it easier to embrace CBT due to fewer subject areas, NECO requires careful consideration of the exam's intricacies. Wushishi emphasized the need to maintain standards of acceptability, reliability, and credibility while gradually exploring the possibility of CBT integration.

Despite international recognition of NECO results, particularly by institutions like Lead University and Birmingham City University in the UK, Wushishi stressed the importance of a methodical approach to migration.

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He assured measures to prevent examination malpractices in upcoming exams and highlighted the council's milestones, including examining 34 million Nigerian youths and implementing reforms since assuming office in 2021.