UNICAL Shines as NUC Releases 2023 Accreditation Results

In the aftermath of the last National Universities Commission accreditation exercise conducted between October and November 2023, the University of Calabar (UNICAL), as per the results released recently, scored over 98% full accreditation of its programmes involved in the exercise.

UNICAL Shines as NUC Releases 2023 Accreditation Results

In the aftermath of the last National Universities Commission accreditation exercise conducted between October and November 2023, the University of Calabar (UNICAL), as per the results released recently, scored over 98% full accreditation of its programmes involved in the exercise.

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According to a correspondence to that effect signed on behalf of the Executive Secretary, NUC by the Ag. Director of Accreditation, Engr. Abraham Chundunsu addressed to the Vice Chancellor, Unical, the University got Full Accreditation for all her programmes involved in the exercise except 4 programmes with Interim accreditation.

The results show that of the 39 academic programmes involved, the institution got full accreditation in 35 programs including; Policy and Administrative Studies, Pharmacology, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Architecture, Linguistics and Communication Studies and Music.

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Also with Full Accreditation Status are Human Physiology, Mass Communication, Educational Administration and Planning, Educational Technology, Education English Language, Education Geography, Education Psychology, Elementary Education, Environmental Education, Guidance and Counseling, and Home Economics.

Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Estate Management, Environmental Protection and Resource Management, Fine & Applied Arts, Survey and Geo-informatics, Urban and Regional Planning.

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Mathematics, Microbiology, Science Laboratory Technology, Statistics, Peace and Conflicts Studies, Political Science and Social Work also got Full Accreditation.

While, Physics, Law, Forestry Wildlife Resource Management and Anatomy are the only ones with Interim Accreditation Status.

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The NUC Ag. Director of Accreditation while noting that Accreditation Exercises are carried out in keeping with the mandate of the NUC as enshrined in relevant portions of the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, enjoined the University to ensure that accredited programmes comply with the utilization of Core Curriculum Minimum Academic Standards (CCMAS).