Student from Tender Oaks Private School, Ibadan, Emerges Africa Union Mathematics Ambassador

Mr. Oluwaseun Ojo, the Head Teacher of Tender Oaks Private School, praised Toluwalope for her achievement, noting her courage and determination in emerging as one of the winners.

Student from Tender Oaks Private School, Ibadan, Emerges Africa Union Mathematics Ambassador

Toluwalope Fourthman, a student of Tender Oaks Private School in Ibadan, has been appointed as the Africa Mathematics Ambassador following her recent award for excellence in mathematics.

She received the Award of Excellence Certificate on June 6, 2024, for her outstanding performance in the 2024 edition of the Africa Mathematics Project organized by the African Union.

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Mr. Oluwaseun Ojo, the Head Teacher of Tender Oaks Private School, praised Toluwalope for her achievement, noting her courage and determination in emerging as one of the winners. He encouraged her and other winners to maintain their dedication to mathematics to uphold the school's legacy of excellence.

In her acceptance speech, Toluwalope attributed her success to the unwavering support of her parents, whom she credited for nurturing her academic pursuits, especially in mathematics. She expressed gratitude to Tender Oaks Private School for fostering an environment conducive to her achievements and pledged to continue striving for excellence.

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Mrs. Olubukonla Fourthman, Toluwalope's mother, lauded her daughter's accomplishment, describing her as a shining star in mathematics. She expressed pride in Toluwalope's journey and pledged continued support for her aspirations.

The appointment of Toluwalope Fourthman as Africa Mathematics Ambassador signifies a significant milestone in her academic journey and underscores her commitment to academic excellence.