UI/BATNF Collaboration Yields Impressive Results in Aquaculture Scheme

The University of Ibadan (UI) and British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF) have successfully concluded the first cycle of their Aquaculture scheme under the 2023 Agricultural Entrepreneurship grant.

UI/BATNF Collaboration Yields Impressive Results in Aquaculture Scheme

The first cycle of the three-cycle project in the Aquaculture scheme, part of the 2023 British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF) Agricultural Entrepreneurship grant, has concluded with notable success. The project awarded slots for Aquaculture to Ms. Christianah Olufemi and Ms. Sarah O. Ogboye, both graduates of the University of Ibadan (UI).

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Mobilized in February 2024, Olufemi and Ogboye commenced preliminary work at the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, utilizing the existing ponds. In March 2024, they stocked the ponds with juveniles, nurturing them over an 11-week period. The harvest took place on May 21, 2024, in the presence of BATNF representatives, with the fish sizes receiving commendation. Processing of the harvested fish began immediately and is expected to conclude between June 27-30, 2024.

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Professor Adejoke Akinyele, Dean of Renewable Natural Resources, highlighted that the call for applications for the 2023 grant was announced on August 22, 2023, with a deadline for expressions of interest on September 1, 2023. Selection criteria included that applicants must be UI graduates, with those applying for Crop and Livestock needing to have graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, and those for Aquaculture from the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources. Six candidates presented their pitches, all of which were deemed good, but only four awards were available for 2023—two for Aquaculture and two for Agriculture.

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This successful cycle underscores the effective collaboration between UI and BATNF in promoting agricultural entrepreneurship and providing practical opportunities for graduates to apply their knowledge and skills.