UNICROSS Promotes 10 Lecturers to Professors

The University of Cross River State (UNICROSS) has announced the promotion of ten lecturers to the rank of full professors. This significant development was revealed during the 117th Senate meeting of the university. The new professors have not only excelled in their respective fields but have also contributed significantly to the academic community through their research, teaching, and service.

UNICROSS Promotes 10 Lecturers to Professors

The University of Cross River State (UNICROSS) has announced the promotion of ten lecturers to the rank of full professors. This significant development was revealed during the 117th Senate meeting of the university.

The Chairman of Senate, Prof. Stephen N. Ochang, made the announcement, stating, “We are pleased to recognize the outstanding contributions and academic achievements of our esteemed colleagues.”

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The newly promoted professors are:

  • Prof. Hannah Ettah
  • Prof. Emmanuel Eyam Ogban
  • Prof. Usang Eteng Eloma
  • Prof. Eng. Richard Antigha
  • Prof. Stephen Akomaye Adah
  • Prof. Henry Ojating
  • Prof. Rev. Mrs. Veronica Bassey-Duke
  • Prof. Irom Bassey Okey
  • Prof. Nkanu Ettah
  • Prof. Simon Ogbeche Odey

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This promotion reflects the university’s commitment to academic excellence and the professional growth of its faculty members. The new professors have not only excelled in their respective fields but have also contributed significantly to the academic community through their research, teaching, and service.