2-Year-Old American Prodigy Achieves Exceptional IQ Score, Joins World's Most Intelligent People
Kashe's mother, Sukhjit, emphasized their primary goal was to support her daughter's development, natural curiosity, and disposition. She stated.

In an extraordinary achievement, a Los Angeles toddler, Kashe Quest, has secured the distinction of being the youngest American to join Mensa, a prestigious society reserved for individuals who score at the highest echelons on IQ tests.
Despite being just two years old, Kashe Quest has displayed a remarkable array of skills. Her abilities encompass naming all the elements on the periodic table, identifying all 50 states by their shapes and locations, learning the Spanish language, and deciphering intricate patterns, according to her proud parents.
Her father, Devon, remarked, "She has always shown us, more than anything, the propensity to explore her surroundings and to ask the question 'Why.' If she doesn't know something, she wants to know what it is and how it functions, and once she learns it, she applies it."
The Quest family noticed Kashe's rapid development from an early age. She progressed from her first word to speaking in sentences containing five or more words in no time.
Devon said, "Once her pediatrician also acknowledged it, at her 18-month check-up, I had let her know where (Kashe) was on her number shapes and colors and wanted her perspective on all of it, and she said it was amazing... it's something worth looking into."
This prompted them to take Kashe to a psychologist, who administered the Mensa test. The result? Kashe exhibited an IQ of 146, an extraordinary feat for someone so young.
To qualify for Mensa membership, applicants must score at or above the 98th percentile on a standard intelligence test.
Kashe's mother, Sukhjit, emphasized their primary goal was to support her daughter's development, natural curiosity, and disposition. She stated, "We wanted to make sure we did our part in making that happen for her."
The Quest family places significant importance on encouraging Kashe's progress and consistently reminds her of their pride in her accomplishments, even when she encounters challenges. Remarkably, Kashe reciprocates by expressing her emotional intelligence and encouragement.
Another step in fostering Kashe's development was the establishment of a preschool. Sukhjit, with a background in education, combined her work with Kashe at home and the pressing community needs during the pandemic to create the Modern Schoolhouse
Sukhjit highlighted the importance of Kashe being around children her age and not feeling pressured to act older than she should be, stating, "She's still two at heart."
The preschool commenced operations in October with 12 children in attendance, and the Quests have plans to expand to a larger facility to accommodate the growing waitlist.
Despite her advanced abilities, Kashe's parents communicate with her just like any other child. However, they have become more intentional with their words and communication, as Kashe can hold them accountable for what they say. She often repeats their words back to them.
Sukhjit mentioned, "It has taught us patience in how to communicate with her and we are very conscious of the words we use with her and how we explain things. It has definitely taught us how to be better communicators with each other and collectively as a family because we all have to be on the same page."
While they aim to encourage her learning, Kashe's skills develop at her own pace. She decides which topics she wants to explore, setting the tone for her own educational journey.
"In terms of raising a child, you want to give them these skills and this growth mindset... to become that strong individual," her mother emphasized, summing up their approach to parenting.