BREAKING: ASUU Threatens Nationwide Strike

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has threatened to embark on a nationwide strike. Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, the President of the Union, speaking at the briefing, stated that the Tinubu-led government has been given ample time to address the issue of the governing council.

BREAKING: ASUU Threatens Nationwide Strike

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has threatened to embark on a nationwide strike.

The union has expressed its dissatisfaction with the Federal Government’s failure to appoint Governing Councils for Federal Universities. During the ongoing briefing, the union had earlier expressed its disappointment over the dissolution of the Governing Councils by the Federal Government.

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Furthermore, the union criticized the perceived indifference of President Bola Tinubu’s administration towards academic matters in Nigerian Federal Universities. At a press briefing held at the University of Abuja, the academic body also challenged the recent 35 percent salary increase for professors and the 25 percent increase for other academic staff in the university system. The union views these increments as temporary wage awards that the government could retract at its discretion.

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Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, the President of the Union, speaking at the briefing, stated that the Tinubu-led government has been given ample time to address these issues. Prof. Osodeke highlighted the union’s concern regarding the Federal Government’s neglect in appointing members to the Governing Councils of Federal universities. He further asserted that the dissolution of the governing councils is unlawful, as it contravenes the established principles governing the universities.