Borno State University Showers Support on Physically Challenged Student

Borno State University Showers Support on Physically Challenged Student

Borno State University Showers Support on Physically Challenged Student

The Acting Vice Chancellor of Borno State University, Professor Haruna D. Dlakwa, has presented a laptop to a physically challenged student in a heartwarming ceremony at the Vice Chancellor's office.

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The student, who was accompanied by his friend, was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude as he received the gift. He shared his inspiring story of resilience, revealing that he had been rejected by other institutions due to his physical condition, but Borno State University accepted him and provided support.

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The University's Registrar, Dr. Zanna M. Kashim, and the Head of the Education Department, Professor Dugje Kadiri, witnessed the momentous occasion, celebrating the student's determination and the university's commitment to inclusivity.

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This gesture demonstrates Borno State University's dedication to providing equal opportunities and support to all students, regardless of their abilities.