Dr. Adewale Shares Career Insights on Cybersecurity at Miva University Masterclass

Dr. Obadare Adewale emphasizes the importance of functional, cognitive, and social competence for a successful career in cybersecurity during the Miva Masterclass.

Dr. Adewale Shares Career Insights on Cybersecurity at Miva University Masterclass

The Miva Masterclass which held at Miva Open University featured Dr. Obadare Adewale, who provided valuable insights into the essential skills required for a successful career in cybersecurity.

He emphasized the need for functional, cognitive, and social competence, highlighting how these skills contribute to professional growth in the field.

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Participants enjoyed an engaging session, filled with practical advice and interactive discussions. For those who missed it, the complete session will soon be available on their YouTube channel, @mivauniversity.

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