Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy Enugu Celebrates Marks World Oral Health Day 2024

Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy Enugu celebrates World Oral Health Day 2024 with the theme 'A Happy Mouth is a Happy Body,' emphasizing preventive dental care, proper hygiene habits, and regular check-ups for overall well-being.

Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy Enugu Celebrates Marks World Oral Health Day 2024
Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy Enugu students

Marking World Oral Health Day 2024, Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy Enugu studnts have come together under the theme "A Happy Mouth is a Happy Body," emphasizing the crucial link between oral health and overall well-being.

With dental student experts advocating preventive measures, here's a comprehensive guide to maintaining a healthy smile:

1. Brush Twice Daily: Start and end your day with thorough brushing to remove plaque and prevent cavities.

2. Use Fluoride Toothpaste: Opt for toothpaste containing fluoride, a vital mineral for strengthening enamel and preventing tooth decay.

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3. Choose the Right Toothbrush: Select a soft-bristled brush for children and a medium one for adults, ensuring effective yet gentle cleaning.

4. Master the Correct Brushing Technique: Proper brushing technique, including gentle circular motions, reaches all surfaces of the teeth for optimal cleanliness.

5. Replace Toothbrush Regularly: Change your toothbrush every three months or when the bristles start to bend, ensuring effective cleaning.

6. Utilize Dental Floss: Clean between teeth with dental floss daily to remove plaque and prevent gum disease.

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7. Limit Sugary Foods: Reduce consumption of sugary snacks and drinks to protect teeth from decay-causing bacteria.

8. Avoid Using Teeth as Tools: Refrain from using teeth to open bottles or packages to prevent damage or injury.

9. Incorporate Juicy Fruits: Enjoy juicy fruits like apples and pears, which can naturally cleanse teeth and stimulate saliva production.

10. Replace Missing Teeth: Consider replacing missing teeth, excluding last molars, to maintain proper oral function and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting.

11. Daily Denture Care: Clean dentures thoroughly every day to prevent plaque buildup and maintain oral hygiene.

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12. Ensure Denture Fit:  Avoid using loose dentures, as they can cause discomfort and affect oral health.

13. Professional Denture Repairs: Never attempt to repair dentures at home; seek professional assistance to avoid further damage.

14. Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit the dental clinic every six months for check-ups, routine scaling, and polishing to detect and prevent oral health issues.

15. Seek Professional Advice: Rely on dental professionals for expert advice and treatment rather than unqualified sources.

By following these guidelines and prioritizing oral health, individuals can ensure a happy mouth, leading to a happier and healthier body. World Oral Health Day serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene practices for overall well-being.