Federal University Kashere Mourns the Loss of Sociology Student, Sesugh Pius Tivfa

Federal University Kashere Mourns the Loss of Sociology Student, Sesugh Pius Tivfa

Federal University Kashere Mourns the Loss of Sociology Student, Sesugh Pius Tivfa

It is with heavy hearts that the Federal University Kashere (FUKASHERE) community mourns the untimely passing of one of its own, Sesugh Pius Tivfa, a 200-level student studying Sociology.

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The loss of Sesugh has left a profound void within the university, evoking deep sorrow among fellow students, faculty members, and staff.

Sesugh's passing, attributed to illness, has brought immense sadness to the university community. In this time of grief, the thoughts and prayers of the entire FUKASHERE community go out to the bereaved family, friends, and classmates of Sesugh. May the Almighty grant them the strength and resilience to endure this irreplaceable loss.

The impact of Sesugh's presence and contributions within the university will always be remembered fondly. His absence leaves a void that cannot be filled, and his spirit will continue to live on in the memories and hearts of those who knew him.

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The university community stands together in solidarity, offering support, solace, and prayers to Sesugh's family and loved ones during this challenging period.

As a tribute to Sesugh Pius Tivfa, Federal University Kashere honors his memory and the legacy he leaves behind. His passing serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.

In this time of mourning, the FUKASHERE community stands united, embracing one another with compassion and empathy as they navigate through this difficult loss. May Sesugh's soul find eternal rest.