How To Apply For BASUG Part-time degree programme, 2023/2024

How To Apply For BASUG Part-time degree programme, 2023/2024

How To Apply For BASUG Part-time degree programme, 2023/2024

Myschoolnews have gathered up on How To Apply For BASUG Part-time degree programme, 2023/2024, below are the details

Candidates are required to first visit the JAMB portal and log into the Part-time portion and apply accordantly,

b. They should then visit the University website at to create a profile and generate Remits Retrieval Reference (RRR); follow the instruction for making payment

c. Interested Candidates should pay the sum of Ten Thousand Naira (N10, 000.00) to BASUG

d. After making the payment, they are to return to the BASUG website and follow the instructions on how to download the application forms and submission instructions.