"I Started My Business as an 18-Year-Old Student," Woman Says as She Celebrates Anniversary

Adaeze Nnaji, the CEO of Luscious Chow, is celebrating the five-year anniversary of the food brand she founded as a university student. Based in Lagos, Luscious Chow has grown significantly since its inception. Netizens have applauded her efforts, commending her steadfastness and the evident growth of her business.

"I Started My Business as an 18-Year-Old Student," Woman Says as She Celebrates Anniversary

Adaeze Nnaji, the CEO of Luscious Chow, is celebrating the five-year anniversary of the food brand she founded as a university student. Based in Lagos, Luscious Chow has grown significantly since its inception.

In a heartfelt tweet, Adaeze shared her joy and reflections on the journey: “My heart is so glad. My brainchild is 5 years old today. I started Luscious 5 years ago as an 18-year-old university student. It wasn’t easy.”

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She reflected on the challenges she faced, admitting there were moments she considered giving up on her dream. “There were days when I wanted to quit and tell myself it’s a silly dream that only people with solid support systems are able to achieve, but look where we are today. Look at what we’ve done in less than 1 year of coming back.”

Netizens have applauded her efforts, commending her steadfastness and the evident growth of her business. One user commented, “I love seeing your success stories. It’s my own motivation to never stop dreaming because anything and everything is possible. I love, love, love how far you’ve come. God bless you and your brand.”

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Another added, “Congratulations, Ada. This is just the first of tens of 5 years this brand will celebrate. May God keep elevating and sustaining your brand with His grace. May His light shine upon it, and may you look at this baby of yours and forever be proud.”

Adaeze Nnaji’s journey with Luscious Chow is a testament to perseverance and the power of dreams, inspiring many along the way.