IBBU Mourns the Loss of Renowned Professor Nuhu Ango Aliyu

IBB University Mourns the Loss of Renowned Professor

IBBU Mourns the Loss of Renowned Professor Nuhu Ango Aliyu

Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai (IBBUL) regrets to announce the passing of Professor Nuhu Ango Aliyu, a distinguished academic and esteemed member of the university community.

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Professor Aliyu, a respected expert in Business Administration, served as Director of the Institute of Continuing Education and e-learning (ICeL) and made significant contributions to the university's growth and development.

The Senate, Management, Staff, and Students of IBBUL extend their heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. His dedication, expertise, and leadership will be deeply missed.

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May his soul rest in peace, and may Allah grant the family the strength to bear this irreparable loss.