IBBU SUG Launches Manual Boreholes to Solve Water Scarcity

The SUG at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University inaugurated manual boreholes at P-site and Kobo hostels to enhance water supply for students.

IBBU SUG Launches Manual Boreholes to Solve Water Scarcity

In a significant effort to address water scarcity on campus, the Students' Union Government (SUG) for the 2023/2024 academic year, led by SUG President Comr. Abubakar Abdul-Razaq Abbah, launched manual boreholes today at both P-site and Kobo hostels at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai.

The new boreholes are part of a broader initiative to enhance the water supply for students residing in these hostels and provide a reliable backup to the existing water system on campus. This initiative aims to improve the living conditions for students and contribute to the overall infrastructure of the university.

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During the launch, Comr. Abubakar expressed his commitment to addressing the pressing needs of students and ensuring their welfare. "We recognize the importance of adequate water supply in improving the quality of life for our fellow students, and this initiative is a step toward achieving that goal," he stated.

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With this development, students can expect improved access to clean water, positively impacting their daily lives and studies at the university.

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