KWASU VC Prof. Shaykh-Luqman Jimoh Commissioned a solar inverter installed in the Faculty of Agriculture

KWASU VC Prof. Shaykh-Luqman Jimoh Commissioned a solar inverter installed in the Faculty of Agriculture

KWASU VC Prof. Shaykh-Luqman Jimoh Commissioned a solar inverter installed in the Faculty of Agriculture

The Ag. Vice-Chancelor, while commissioning the installation, commended the faculty for taking the initiative, which would ensure that there is electricity at all times for the use of the staff. 

Professor Jimoh noted that while the University was working on increasing the generation of power from alternative means, it was heartwarming that faculties were also complimenting the efforts of management by providing alternative means of generating power.

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He used the occasion to urge other faculties to tow the path established by the Faculties of Engineering and Agriculture by seeking innovative means of making their work spaces more comfortable.

In his welcome address, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Professor Friday Apata, said the faculty chose to address the challenge of inadequate power supply to support the effort of the University..

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He revealed that the solar inverted was donated by a philanthropist who bought into the idea when he was intimated with the idea.

Professor Apata also commended the staff of the faculty for supporting and working towards the achievement of the initiative.

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The commissioning was witnessed by the management team of the University and staff of the Faculty of Agriculture.