MSSN UNIMAID Acknowledgment to Ameer for Remarkable Contributions to New Male A Masjid

Acknowledgment to The Ameer for Remarkable Contributions to New Male A Masjid

MSSN UNIMAID Acknowledgment to Ameer for Remarkable Contributions to New Male A Masjid

The Chairman of the New Male A Masjid, Mahmood Abubakar, extended profound gratitude to The Ameer of the Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) Central Body, University of Maiduguri, for exceptional contributions and unwavering dedication to enhancing the Masjid's facilities.

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In a heartfelt acknowledgment, Mahmood Abubakar expressed immense gratitude to The Ameer for the substantial efforts directed towards the betterment of the Masjid. The commendable contributions included extensive renovations, carpeting, and vibrant painting, all aimed at creating a more conducive space for daily worship and Ibadats.

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The Chairman emphasized the significance of these improvements, underlining the positive impact they have on the lives of the Muslim community at the University of Maiduguri. He conveyed a deep sense of appreciation for The Ameer's steadfast commitment to fostering an environment conducive to spiritual growth and worship.

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Mahmood Abubakar concluded the acknowledgment by reaffirming the continuous dedication of the Masjid's members to serving the community in the path of Allah, seeking His blessings and continued guidance for The Ameer.