NANS Urges Federal Universities to Submit Students Data for Loan Processing

NANS Urges Federal Universities to Submit Students' Data for Loan Processing

NANS Urges Federal Universities to Submit Students Data for Loan Processing

 The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has issued an urgent notice to all Student Union Presidents, NANS JCC Chairmen, and NANS Zonal Coordinators regarding the delay in the processing of the Students' Loan scheme.

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Following a meeting with the management of the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND), it has come to our attention that several Federal Universities are yet to submit their students' data, hindering the loan processing. NELFUND management has requested that NANS urge the Vice Chancellors of these Federal Universities to comply with NELFUND's directives and promptly submit their students' data for upload on the NELFUND platform.

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This will enable the loan processing to commence as soon as possible. Please note that any Federal University that fails to submit their data may be excluded from accessing the loan, and NELFUND will not be held responsible.

We urge all Student Union Presidents and other student leaders, particularly those from Federal Universities, to ensure that their school managements have submitted the necessary data to NELFUND. This will guarantee that no university is left out of the Students' Loan scheme.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


COMR Lucky Emonefe,

GCNS Universal President,

National Association of Nigerian Students.

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