NIGCOMSAT CEO Announces UNN as South East Regional AI Center Host

NIGCOMSAT CEO unveils plans to establish University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) as the host for South East regional center for Artificial Intelligence (AI), signaling a pivotal step towards driving digital innovation and economic growth.

NIGCOMSAT CEO Announces UNN as South East Regional AI Center Host
Nkechi Egerton-Idehen, NIGCOMSAT CEO

In a groundbreaking revelation, Nkechi Egerton-Idehen, the Managing Director/CEO of Nigerian Satellite Communications Limited (NIGCOMSAT), has unveiled plans to designate the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), as the host for the South East regional center for Artificial Intelligence (AI). This move signifies a pivotal step towards advancing digital innovation and fostering economic growth within the region and the nation at large.

Key Points:

1. Strategic Initiative for Digital Economy: The establishment of AI centers across Nigeria's six geopolitical zones is part of a strategic initiative aimed at propelling the nation's digital economy forward. Egerton-Idehen emphasized the significance of positioning Nigeria at the forefront of driving digital transformation.

2. Promoting Local Solutions: During the 20th Herbert Macaulay Memorial Lecture at UNN, Egerton-Idehen underscored the importance of embracing digital innovation to empower young entrepreneurs in developing local solutions to societal challenges using cutting-edge technologies.

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3. Diversification Imperative: Highlighting the vulnerability of Nigeria's economy due to its reliance on oil, Egerton-Idehen advocated for diversification through digital transformation. Quoting a World Bank report, she emphasized the potential economic benefits, with digital transformation projected to add nearly $5 trillion to the global GDP by 2025.

4. Educational Reform: Egerton-Idehen stressed the necessity of updating the curriculum of tertiary institutions to incorporate emerging technologies such as AI, Blockchain, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT). She emphasized the need for equipping educational institutions to meet the demands of the evolving digital landscape.

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5. Collaborative Efforts: The success of Nigeria's transition to a digital economy hinges on a collaborative effort involving government and industry stakeholders. Egerton-Idehen outlined recommendations including the formulation of conducive policies, investment in infrastructure, fostering public-private partnerships, and funding research initiatives.

Expert Insights:

- Dean's Perspective: Prof. Emenike Ejiogu, the Dean of UNN's Faculty of Engineering, commended the university's commitment to fostering academic excellence and research-driven solutions for national development.

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- Data for Infrastructure Development: Clement Onyeaso, Director General of Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency, emphasized the critical role of data in enabling sustainable infrastructure development and disaster mitigation efforts.

- Engineering Solutions for Development: Prof. Paul Eke, Chairman of the occasion and a renowned expert in Digital Twin Technology, urged engineers to apply critical thinking and innovative engineering solutions to address poverty and underdevelopment in Nigeria.

The unveiling of UNN as the host for the South East regional center for AI marks a significant milestone in Nigeria's journey towards embracing digital innovation and driving economic diversification. With concerted efforts from stakeholders across sectors, Nigeria is poised to harness the transformative potential of technology for sustainable development and prosperity.