UNN and Defence Intelligence College Join Forces to Offer Specialized Postgraduate Programmes

The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) and Defence Intelligence College (DIC) join forces to offer specialized postgraduate programs, bolstering Nigeria's national security education landscape.

UNN and Defence Intelligence College Join Forces to Offer Specialized Postgraduate Programmes

In a move aimed at bolstering the knowledge and expertise of Nigeria's military, security, and intelligence personnel, the Defence Intelligence College (DIC) has forged a strategic partnership with the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) to introduce specialized postgraduate programs. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) was formalized at the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) headquarters in Abuja, underscoring a commitment to advancing professional education in the realm of national security.

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- The signing ceremony, held at the DIA headquarters, marked a significant milestone in enhancing the capabilities of Nigerian military and intelligence agencies.

- Led by UNN's Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Igwe, and accompanied by esteemed faculty members, the UNN delegation was warmly received by the Chief of Defence Intelligence (CDI), Maj-Gen. Emmanuel Undiandeye.

- Emphasizing the need for adherence to regulatory standards set forth by the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) and Defence Headquarters (DHQ), CDI Undiandeye endorsed the partnership, highlighting the imperative of structured curriculum development.

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- Rear Admiral Julius Nwagu, Commandant of DIC, elucidated the rationale behind collaborating with UNN, emphasizing the aim to equip personnel with specialized knowledge tailored to the needs of national security.

- Nwagu also highlighted ongoing collaborations between DIC and key governmental and regulatory bodies, emphasizing the college's commitment to holistic capacity building.

- Sustainability and continuity were underscored as paramount considerations, ensuring the seamless integration of the postgraduate programs with existing DIC initiatives.

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- Prof. Igwe, in his remarks, lauded the historic partnership, emphasizing UNN's pioneering role in indigenous education and its commitment to addressing national challenges through innovative programs.

- He underscored UNN's forthcoming establishment of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Nuclear Engineering, signaling a proactive approach to addressing contemporary challenges.


The collaboration between UNN and DIC represents a significant stride towards advancing professional education in the domain of national security. With a focus on specialized postgraduate programs, tailored to the needs of military and intelligence personnel, this partnership embodies a shared commitment to excellence and innovation. As Nigeria continues to navigate complex security challenges, initiatives such as these serve as pillars of strength, equipping personnel with the knowledge and skills essential for safeguarding national interests.

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