Governor Otti Announces Establishment of New School for Visually Impaired and Mentally Challenged

The Governor of Abia state, Alex Otti, has announced the establishment of a dedicated secondary school for the visually impaired and mentally challenged.

Governor Otti Announces Establishment of New School for Visually Impaired and Mentally Challenged

The Governor of Abia state, Alex Otti, has announced the establishment of a dedicated secondary school for the visually impaired and mentally challenged, designed to provide a tailored curriculum that addresses the unique educational requirements of these children, ensuring they receive the support and resources necessary to thrive academically and personally.

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Governor Otti made these statement during the 2024 Children's day celebration, highlighting the participation of physically and mentally challenged pupils in the parade. Their inclusion served as a reminder of the importance of accommodating the needs of all members of society.

Following the challenges faced by certain institutions catering to these pupils, Governor Otti directed the Commissioner for Education to oversee the establishment of a dedicated secondary school for the visually impaired and mentally challenged. 

"It has come to my attention that certain institutions catering to visually impaired and mentally challenged pupils are in dire need of support in critical areas. In response to this, I have directed the Commissioner for Education to oversee the establishment of a dedicated secondary school for the visually impaired and mentally challenged," he noted. 

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The decision reflected a commitment to inclusivity and equity, ensuring that no child is left behind or marginalized due to physical or mental challenges. By establishing a specialized school, the government aimed to provide a supportive and nurturing environment where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.