Ajayi Crowther University Student Death Sparks Outcry Against Bullying

The tragic death of Ajayi Crowther University student sparked outcry against bullying in the university environment.

Ajayi Crowther University Student Death Sparks Outcry Against Bullying

In an incident that has sent shockwaves through Ajayi Crowther University, a 200-level engineering student, Alex, was mercilessly bullied, tortured, and left to die by fellow students over an accusation of theft. The horrifying ordeal unfolded at Shepherd’s Inn hostel, where Alex was subjected to unspeakable violence by his peers.

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According to reports, the fatal altercation began when some students accused Alex of stealing an iPhone 12 Pro Max on Friday night, May 24. Without any evidence or due process, a group of students residing in the hostel took matters into their own hands. They subjected Alex to a brutal assault, during which they shaved his head, stripped him, and subjected him to hours of relentless beating from 10 pm on Friday until 6 am on Saturday.

The brutality didn't end there. After the prolonged torture, Alex was abandoned in the rain, where he tragically succumbed to his injuries. His lifeless body was discovered in front of the hostel on Saturday morning, sending shock and grief rippling through the university community.

The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation from students, faculty, and the wider public. Many are questioning the lack of intervention from university authorities and the failure to provide a safe environment for students. There are also concerns about the culture of violence and impunity that seemingly allowed such a heinous act to occur within the campus premises.

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This tragic incident serves as a reminder of the urgent need to tackle bullying and violence in educational institutions. It highlights the devastating consequences of unchecked aggression and the importance of fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and accountability within academic communities. As investigations unfold, many are hoping for justice for Alex and a renewed commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of students on campus.