UNN Business School Director Urges Doctoral Candidates to Pioneer Solutions for Nigeria's Challenges

UNN Business School director, Professor Josaphat Uchechukwu Onwumere, encourages doctoral candidates to create solutions for Nigeria's socio-economic challenges, highlighting the potential policy impact of their diverse research interests.

UNN Business School Director Urges Doctoral Candidates to Pioneer Solutions for Nigeria's Challenges
UNN gate

In a recent gathering at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), Professor Josaphat Uchechukwu Onwumere, Director of the Business School, emphasized the pivotal role of doctoral candidates in addressing Nigeria's socio-economic challenges.

Professor Onwumere stressed the responsibility placed on doctoral candidates to innovate solutions that could significantly impact Nigeria's quality of life and foster a resilient economy. He commended the candidates for their exceptional presentations, noting their adeptness in conveying complex ideas effectively.

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Representing the class, Dr. Aroyehun Abdulghafar Sunkanmi highlighted the diverse research interests covered by the candidates, ranging from Islamic finance to stakeholder engagement and sustainable banking. Their research papers have garnered attention for their potential to influence policy decisions, particularly in areas such as foreign exchange, banking, and sustainable finance.

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Expressing anticipation for their research's impact on Nigeria's economic future, the candidates underscored their commitment to driving positive change beyond academia.

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The visit of these doctoral candidates to Professor Onwumere underscores a collective dedication to academic excellence and societal progress. Their research endeavors hold promise in shaping policy and contributing meaningfully to Nigeria's socio-economic development.