Nnamdi Azikiwe University Announces Award of First Degrees, Convocation Lecture

Nnamdi Azikiwe University has announced award ceremony of first degrees, and a convocation lecture.

Nnamdi Azikiwe University Announces Award of First Degrees, Convocation Lecture

Nnamdi Azikiwe University has announced an award ceremony of first degrees and prizes to deserving graduates, alongside a distinguished convocation lecture to be delivered by Pastor Ben Akabueze, the Director General of the Budget Office of the Federation, on May 30.

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Set to take place at the Convocation Arena on the university campus, the ceremony is scheduled to commence at 10 a.m. The university community, graduates, families, and esteemed guests are eagerly anticipating the event, which marks a significant milestone in the academic journey of the graduating class.

The convocation lecture, to be delivered by Pastor Ben Akabueze, promises to be a highlight of the event. As the Director General of the Budget Office of the Federation, Pastor Akabueze brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the discussion, making his insights invaluable to the university community and beyond.

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With the award of first degrees and prizes, Nnamdi Azikiwe University celebrates the achievements and hard work of its graduating students.