NYSC Announces Schedule for 2024 Batch 'B' Stream 1 Orientation Camp

Prospective Corps Members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) will undergo various training sessions, lectures, and practical activities designed to equip them with essential skills and knowledge necessary for their roles in communities across Nigeria.

NYSC Announces Schedule for 2024 Batch 'B' Stream 1 Orientation Camp

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has announced the schedule for the 2024 Batch 'B' Stream 1 orientation camp, detailing key dates and activities for prospective corps members (PCMs) across the country.

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The orientation course for Batch 'B' Stream 1 is set to commence nationwide on June 26, marking the official start of the mandatory three-week program aimed at preparing PCMs for their year-long national service. During this period, PCMs will undergo various training sessions, lectures, and practical activities designed to equip them with essential skills and knowledge necessary for their roles in communities across Nigeria.

The swearing-in ceremony, a significant highlight of the orientation course, is scheduled to take place on July 2. This ceremony symbolizes the formal induction of PCMs into the NYSC scheme and their pledge to serve the nation with diligence and integrity.

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The orientation camp will culminate with a closing ceremony on June 16, where PCMs will reflect on their experiences and achievements throughout the orientation period. The ceremony will also feature addresses from NYSC officials, guest speakers, and cultural displays showcasing the diversity of Nigeria's heritage.