When Can We Expect the Release of Unilag's 2023/2024 Postgraduate Admission List?

When to expect the release of Unilag's 2023/2024 Postgraduate Admission List

When Can We Expect the Release of Unilag's 2023/2024 Postgraduate Admission List?
University of Lagos

Have you managed to view the entrance exam results before they were temporarily removed from the online portals? Well, we have some promising news from a trusted source: the results will soon be re-released online. While we can't confirm the results themselves at this point, what we can assure you is that the list of recommended candidates for admission will be available online in the near future.

We strongly recommend that you read this post for a comprehensive explanation of Entrance Exam Results Remarks, especially if you previously saw your results as either 'recommended' or 'not recommended.' Whether your results were favorable or not, it's important not to celebrate or lose hope just yet, as the admission process is still in progress. Please refer to this post for further information.

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Curious about what Unilag's official stance is regarding the results thus far? Check out an official email sent to a student below ????

Rest assured that the admission process is ongoing, and it won't be long before it reaches its conclusion, with the admission list going live online."