16-year-old girl graduates from US university and high school at the same time, celebrates achievement

Grace, a fast learner who began reading at the age of 2, was homeschooled by her mother until the age of 13. At just 16 years old, she successfully completed both her high school and university education.

16-year-old girl graduates from US university and high school at the same time, celebrates achievement

Florida Atlantic University High School graduate, Grace Bush, achieved an extraordinary milestone as she celebrated the completion of both her high school diploma and Bachelor’s degree in public administration from Florida Atlantic University at the age of 16. Grace's exceptional academic journey demonstrates her commitment and perseverance in pursuing dual qualifications simultaneously.

Florida Atlantic University High School, located in Boca Raton, Florida, provides a unique educational opportunity, allowing students to concurrently earn a high school diploma and a Bachelor’s degree. Grace embraced this opportunity, enrolling in the public administration program at Florida Atlantic University.

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Expressing her thoughts on this remarkable accomplishment, Grace stated, "It’s kind of weird that I graduated college before high school. I think anyone my age can do what I did, It’s not hard—it’s just hard work." Grace's dedication and diligence throughout her academic journey have set an inspiring example for her peers.

Grace, a fast learner who began reading at the age of 2, was homeschooled by her mother until the age of 13. At just 16 years old, she successfully completed both her high school and university education.

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In addition to her academic achievements, Grace harbors ambitious aspirations, aiming to become the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. She plans to pursue a Law degree in furtherance of her goal. Grace believes in using her position to contribute to creating peace, stating, "I believe that my purpose in life is to create peace. Being a judge on the Supreme Court is something that can help me to do that," she shares.