Bayero University Management Issues Directive on Working Hours and Attendance

Bayero University Management Issues Directive on Working Hours and Attendance

Bayero University Management Issues Directive on Working Hours and Attendance

The management of Bayero University, Kano has released a circular to all staff, addressing concerns over late coming, absenteeism, and truancy.

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The circular, signed by the Deputy Registrar, Public Affairs, Lamara Garba, on behalf of the Acting Registrar, reminds staff of the official working hours and emphasizes the need for written approval for any absence from duty posts.

The official working hours are:

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- Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

- Fridays: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

The management warns that disciplinary action will be taken against any erring staff, and urges all staff to adhere to the rules.