Emotional Intelligence is Key to Enhancing Workplace Performance, Says FULafia Vice Chancellor

Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman, Vice-Chancellor of Federal University Lafia, highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence in enhancing workplace relationships during a training session for university leaders. The program focused on stress management and emotional awareness as essential components for organizational success.

Emotional Intelligence is Key to Enhancing Workplace Performance, Says FULafia Vice Chancellor

Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman, the Vice-Chancellor of Federal University Lafia (FULafia), emphasized the critical role of emotional intelligence in fostering effective workplace relationships during a one-day training program for university principal officers, deans, and directors. The event took place at the Old Senate Chamber on the Permanent Site Campus of FULafia.

In his opening remarks, Abdul Rahman stated, “The higher your emotional intelligence, the better your relationship with people, and the more you'll achieve in your workplace.” He highlighted that emotional intelligence, combined with stress management, serves as a cornerstone for organizational success.

Presenting a paper titled "Using Emotional Intelligence in a Workplace," Abdul Rahman elaborated on several key aspects, including the creation of a collaborative work environment, effective management of difficult conversations, and resolution of conflicts. He underscored the benefits of enhancing emotional intelligence, which include improved job satisfaction, better communication, and effective stress and conflict management.

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To help participants develop their emotional intelligence, the Vice-Chancellor encouraged them to learn from their mistakes, reflect on their personal emotions, and practice awareness of their interactions with others.

Professor Ali Ishaq Shugaba, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Administration, also presented at the training, discussing effective stress management techniques in his paper titled "Effective Stress Management Techniques at Home and Work for a More Productive Life." He warned that unmanaged stress can adversely affect productivity, leading to poor performance, absenteeism, and decreased job satisfaction.

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Shugaba offered practical strategies for managing stress, such as time management, delegation of responsibilities, and taking regular breaks at work. He also advised on stress management at home, recommending physical activity, connecting with loved ones, establishing a calming bedtime routine, and practicing forgiveness.

In her closing remarks, Mrs. Becky Kajo, Head of the Staff Productivity and Promotion Unit (SPPU), expressed gratitude to the participants for their engagement in the training, reinforcing the importance of continuous personal and professional development.

The training program aimed to equip university leaders with the skills necessary to enhance emotional intelligence and effectively manage stress, ultimately fostering a more productive academic environment at FULafia.