The Real Story Behind FCE Pankshin Conversion to University of Education

The conversion of FCE Pankshin to the University of Education Pankshin is a result of collective efforts from multiple stakeholders, not the sole achievement of Hon. Yusuf Gagdi.

The Real Story Behind FCE Pankshin Conversion to University of Education

The recent conversion of the Federal College of Education (FCE) Pankshin to the University of Education Pankshin has sparked a public debate, with conflicting narratives regarding who is responsible for this transformation. While Hon. Yusuf Gagdi, Representative of Pankshin/Kanam/Kanke Federal Constituency, has claimed sole credit for the achievement, a closer look reveals that this narrative is misleading and does not fully reflect the collective effort behind the conversion.

According to a statement issued by a fourteen-member committee of FCE Pankshin alumni, the conversion was the result of the hard work and dedication of multiple stakeholders. The late Senator Ignatius Longjan, who sponsored the bill, was instrumental in driving the process forward. The committee also highlighted the critical support provided by the Plateau State Government, under the leadership of Governor Simon Lalong, which was pivotal to the success of the project.

In addition, the National Assembly worked collaboratively to pass the necessary legislation, with backing from the Federal Government. Members of the Plateau State House of Assembly also played a significant role in ensuring the bill's passage. The alumni committee emphasizes that the conversion should be seen as a collective achievement, rather than the result of one individual's actions.

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The committee expressed concern that Hon. Gagdi's recent statements undermine the contributions of others who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. They call on the lawmaker to recognize the teamwork and collaboration that made the conversion possible and to honor the memory of Senator Ignatius Longjan and the efforts of other stakeholders involved.

“This milestone was achieved through the spirit of collaboration, and it is important to set the record straight,” the committee stated. “Hon. Gagdi should reconsider his claims and acknowledge the collective efforts that led to the conversion of FCE Pankshin to the University of Education Pankshin.”

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As the newly converted University of Education Pankshin embarks on its journey, it is important to remember and celebrate the true spirit of teamwork that made this transformation possible.

Signed by:

Fourteen-member committee of FCE Pankshin alumni.