Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Issues Important Notice to Students on Dress Code

The Management of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, has issued an important notice to all students of the Polytechnic on dress code.

Federal Polytechnic Ilaro Issues Important Notice to Students on Dress Code

The Management of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, has issued an important notice to all students of the Polytechnic on dress code, Myschoolnews gathered.

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All students in accordance with acceptable standard of conduct and appearance are expected to comport themselves at all times within the campus.

This is particularly exemplified by their mode of dressing, and as such the Polytechnic authorities have zero tolerance for indecent provocative inappropriate, immoral and unacceptable dressing. It is for this reason that the following prescriptions and sanctions were made in consultation with the Students’ Union. 


The under listed acceptable dress codes are hereby recommended:

A. Female Students

i. Blouses and dresses that will not expose the armpit;

ii. Blouses and dresses that will not expose the cleavage;

iii. Skirt and dresses to at least the knee level;

iv. Tops (conforming to numbers i and ii above) with loose or free pair of ordinary jean trousers (not in any manner mutilated);

v. Blouses and gowns, skirt suits and kaftans and native dress and academic hats for those students who are on outdoor practical;

vi. Hostelites are allowed to wear casual dresses within the hostels; and

vii. All students are expected to wear clean clothes on campus.

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B. Male Students

i. Long/short sleeve shirts that will not expose the armpit with or without a tie;

ii. Properly buttoned with clean trousers;

iii. Complete native dresses;

iv. French suit or normal suit (two or three piece-men’s suit)

v. T-shirts with no obscene inscriptions.


The under listed dress styles are out-lawed for the students on the Polytechnic campus:

1 . Female students

i. Tight-fitting clothes that reveal the “sensitive part’ and outline the contours of the body;

ii. Miniskirts and short pants;

iii. Jeans with obscene and suggestive inscriptions;

iv. Dresses, skirts or gowns with slits on any or both sides above the knee;

v. Backless tops;

vi. Topless blouses elastic tight fitting trouser pants;

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vii. Transparent clothes;

viii. Blouses with thin (Wicked) straps and sleeveless blouses;

ix. Body-hug and or mini Gowns;

x. Jump Suits;

xi. Bum Shorts;

xii. Spaghetti tops;

xiii. Leggings;

xiv. Weird hair-dos;

xv. Multiple earrings;

xvi. Nose rings;

xvii. Long eye lashes;

xviii. Rascal T-Shirts;

xix. Unkempt hairstyles that appear untidy;

xx. Cowries in hair styles;

xxi. Face caps;

xxii. Sleeveless shirts;

xxiii. Short sleeve shirts that expose the armpit of students;

xxiv. Dresses/Jeans with inappropriate inscriptions;

xxv. Low-waist jeans trousers;

xxvi. 3/4 jeans trousers and knickers;

xxvii. Holed/Perforated jeans;

xxviii. Leg or Ankle Chains;

xxix. Coloured Hair;

xxx. Bathroom Slippers/Slides

xxxi. Sun shades in the rooms or laboratories except for the ones for Class- Work/Fabrication Workshops and wearing of bathroom slippers on the Campus.

2 . Male Students

The dress-code prohibits male students from wearing:

i. Mutilated and or torn Wicked Jeans with inappropriate inscriptions;

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ii. Face Caps;

iii. Earrings;

iv. Sleeveless shirts;

v. Short sleeve shirts that expose the armpit of Students;

vi. Dresses/Jeans with inappropriate inscriptions;

vii. Low-Waist Jeans Trousers;

viii. 3/4 jeans trousers and knickers;

ix. Holed/Perforated Jeans;

x. Sun shades in the Classrooms or Laboratories except the ones meant for studies, laboratories and class Work;

xi. Coloured hair and punk hairdo;

xii. Hair braiding;

xiii. Spangled hair style;

xiv. Wearing bathroom slippers on Campus;

xv. Sagging; and

xvi. Male Students should not bare their Chests

xvii. Bathroom Slippers/Slides

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Appropriate sanctions as listed below are to be meted out for violators;

i. Academic staff members are empowered to disallow erring students from their classes;

ii. Campus Security Operatives are mandated to halt the entrance of individuals in breach of the dress code into the Campus

iii. Violators are to be disallowed from entering the Administrative Offices to transact any official business;

iv. Identity Cards of such students are to be impounded and returned only upon the appearance of such students at the Directorate of Student Affairs (DSA) for appropriate sanction;

v. Photographs of repeated violators may also be taken for reference or record purposes

vi. Constant violators are to do two (2) weeks Community Service and be referred to the Guidance and Counselling Unit for possible assistance while persistently deviant students will face stiffer penalties;

vii. At all times, all violators or defaulters of these rules shall be subjected to such order or further sanction as the Directorate of Students Affairs may deem fit or appropriate.