Graduation Snub Sparks Conversations as First-Class Graduate Ignores Professor’s Handshake

Amusingly, as the professor extends his hand, anticipating the customary gesture, the graduate not only ignores the handshake but avoids making eye contact. The video has sparked various reactions, with viewers speculating on the underlying reasons for the act.

Graduation Snub Sparks Conversations as First-Class Graduate Ignores Professor’s Handshake

In a video circulating on social media, a Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) graduate has garnered attention for a seemingly deliberate choice to snub a professor's handshake during a graduation ceremony. The video, posted on the @dr_doreeeeenn account, reveals the graduate, adorned in her graduation gown, engaging in handshakes with the first two professors but pointedly abstaining from the third.

Amusingly, as the professor extends his hand, anticipating the customary gesture, the graduate not only ignores the handshake but avoids making eye contact. The video has sparked various reactions, with viewers speculating on the underlying reasons for the act.

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@Theojackson92 suggests intentionality in the snub, while @iaml8butiamnot deems it the "greatest snub in the history of graduation." @Gunnha observes the professor's hand movement during the graduate's departure, noting a hint of unease. @bhadext speculates on potential dissatisfaction with the professor's grading approach.

@Jadeedibra proposes three possible factors: the professor being perceived as wicked, accusations of academic misconduct, or an unsuccessful romantic advance. @KinLod offers advice, emphasizing the potential consequences for job opportunities and recommendations.

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@gasper_narc urges against disrespecting individuals who have achieved milestones that may take years to attain. The video has triggered discussions about entitlement, respect, and the potential impact on future endeavors for the graduate.