"I've Done the Craziest Jobs": Former University of Agriculture, Makurdi Student Shares Gritty Journey from Taxi Driver to Self-Made Success

The individual, who was schooling at the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, at the time, revealed that he has undertaken a variety of jobs, including driving taxis and trucks, selling wipers

"I've Done the Craziest Jobs": Former University of Agriculture, Makurdi Student Shares Gritty Journey from Taxi Driver to Self-Made Success

In a heartfelt social media post, a former taxi driver from Abuja has shared his remarkable journey of perseverance and self-reliance, offering a candid look into the lengths he has gone to put food on the table and support his family.

The individual, who was schooling at the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, at the time, revealed that he has undertaken a variety of jobs, including driving taxis and trucks, selling wipers, and even loading firewood and charcoal from deep bushes, where he often encountered herders. His work ethic was clear as he reflected on the sacrifices he made while some of his peers enjoyed more comfortable lifestyles.

"Understand this," he began, "I've done the craziest jobs to put food on my table. This picture below is when I was a taxi driver in Abuja. I was schooling in University of Agriculture, Makurdi, at the time. In Benue, I have also done taxi loading Gboko to Makurdi."

He continued to detail his experiences, explaining how he has never been idle since his 200 level at the university, choosing to be self-sufficient rather than relying on his parents for financial support. "From my 200L till date, I've never been idle, I never depended on my parents for financial help even when I had the option to, and I've been on my own since," he said.

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The post was a powerful statement against idleness and entitlement, with the former taxi driver urging others to take responsibility for their lives. "No one can say they see me in the daytime idling away, no one in my circle can say I sit down to discuss women or gossip people. It's always about business, how the next meal can come and progressive discussions," he asserted.

He also expressed his readiness to do whatever it takes to provide for his family, including frying and selling iced fish. "I can fry iced fish, put it on my head and sell to provide food for my family. Some of you can't do the things I do now to raise money. You will consider it beneath you," he added.

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In a stern warning, he advised those who cannot afford to take care of their responsibilities to reconsider their choices. "If you can't take care of a wife, don't marry. If you can't take care of a child, wait until you can. Stop using excuses of family to go around asking people for money," he stated.

He concluded with a message for those who prefer begging over working, making it clear that such people are not welcome in his life. "For those of you who feel it's more honourable to beg than to work, avoid me!" he wrote.

This story serves as an inspiring reminder of the value of hard work, self-reliance, and determination in the face of challenges.