Kaduna State Reveals N4 Billion Annual Spending on Feeding 25,000 Schoolchildren

Buhari-Ado emphasized that the initiative aims to reduce the number of out-of-school children and has significantly boosted school enrollment and attendance rates while also stimulating the local economy.

Kaduna State Reveals N4 Billion Annual Spending on Feeding 25,000 Schoolchildren

The Kaduna State Government has revealed that it allocates N4 billion annually to fund the feeding of schoolchildren across the state. Dr. Fauziya Buhari-Ado, Special Assistant on School Feeding to Governor Uba Sani, disclosed this in a press statement on Sunday.

The program, benefiting 25,000 students in 51 boarding schools across all 23 local government areas, has increased its daily feeding cost from N540 to N700 per child. Buhari-Ado emphasized that the initiative aims to reduce the number of out-of-school children and has significantly boosted school enrollment and attendance rates while also stimulating the local economy.

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She underscored the government’s commitment to maintaining menu guidelines, food quality, hygiene standards, and timely service delivery. Buhari-Ado highlighted that the transparent verification of beneficiaries has saved the state millions of naira.

“In challenging times, our schools provide hope and security for our children. The school feeding program alleviates the burden on parents and ensures no child goes hungry,” she stated. The initiative, serving approximately 20 million free meals annually, is seen as a unifying force among diverse cultural and religious backgrounds in Kaduna State.