Lead City University Faculty of Education Holds First Symposium on Research Dynamics

Lead City University's Faculty of Education is hosting its first Faculty Symposium today, June 13, 2024, at 2:00 PM, focusing on the theme "Dynamics of a Good Research Problem Statement and Plausible Recommendations for New Knowledge."

Lead City University Faculty of Education Holds First Symposium on Research Dynamics

The Faculty of Education at Lead City University is holding its inaugural Faculty Symposium today, focusing on the theme "Dynamics of a Good Research Problem Statement and Plausible Recommendations for New Knowledge." The event aims to provide valuable insights into crafting effective research problem statements and generating recommendations that contribute to new knowledge in the field of education.

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Event Details:

  • Date: June 13, 2024
  • Time: 2:00 PM
  • Platform: Zoom
  • Meeting ID: 839 0876 2205
  • Passcode: 319776

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This symposium will feature distinguished speakers and experts who will share their knowledge and experiences, helping participants understand the critical elements of a strong research problem statement and how to formulate recommendations that advance academic and practical knowledge. The event promises to be an enriching experience for educators, researchers, and students alike.

Participants can join the symposium via Zoom using the provided meeting ID and passcode. This virtual gathering represents an excellent opportunity for the academic community to engage, learn, and discuss the nuances of educational research.

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