MOUAU releases second semester academic calendar, 2022/2023 session
This is to inform students and the general public that Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU) releases second semester academic calendar, 2022/2023 session monitored by myschoolnews

This is to inform all Continuing Education Centre Students of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU) that the second semester academic calendar for the 2022/2023 session is out.
Saturday, 29th July, 2023: Second Semester Lectures begins

Sunday, 29th October, 2023: Second Semester Lectures end
Monday, 30th October - Sunday, 5th November, 2023: Lecture free week.
The full second semester academic calendar, 2022/2023 for all CEC students has been provided on the attached photo and on the school's noticeboard, students are to visit and get a copy.
Thank you!